We have a dream

Many people love the writings of dr Paul Brunton. But many, many more (billions of people aound the world) have never heard of The Notebooks of Paul Brunton. They have no idea that there exists such a gold mine of Wisdom, Love and Hope. With modern technology it is possible to do something about this - to help potential students of this universal teaching to find what they need and are longing for.

We have a dream
that eventually it shall be possible for everyone on the planet to read, in his or her own language, the Daily Notes selected from the 34,000 notes published in The Notebooks - and thus be introduced to this 16 volume veritable treasure trove of philosophic-spiritual wisdom that can help create beauty, joy, and meaning in our lives and a peaceful future for humanity.
Friends of Paul Brunton make the dream come true. We work in different ways. Some translate notes, others help find competent translators and/or inform individuals and groups of people all over the world about the website www.paulbruntondailynote.se and invite them to visit it daily. You are most welcome to be part of this adventure, to be a friend of Paul Brunton!
More translators are needed. Three qualifications mark the competent translator of the Daily Notes:
1. He/she has a thorough understanding of Paul Brunton´s teaching.
2. He/she knows English quite well.
3. He/she can express himself/herself clearly in his or her own language.
Maybe you yourself, or someone you know, meet these qualifications and would love to translate PB-notes into another language than the ones you see on this website?
Please contact us at info@paulbruntondailynote.se
There is no money involved in this internet service. It is a volunteer work of love.
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen · info@paulbruntondailynote.se