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The 30 latest published notes
Music like any of the intellectual arts may help or hinder this Quest. When it is extremely sensual or disruptive or noisy, it is a hindrance and perhaps even a danger. When it is uplifting or inspiring or spiritually soothing, it is a help. 7 Feb 2025The quality of a meditative session is not to be measured by its timed length but by its effective contact with Reality. 6 Feb 2025The omnipresence of the Infinite Mind carries great meaning for us individually. For it signifies that this Mind is not less present and not less active in us too. 5 Feb 2025… the failure to do a right deed in a certain situation may be a karmic sin, although very much less so than doing a wrong deed., ExcerptListen 4 Feb 2025The Overself is certainly the Way (within man), the Truth (knowing the Real Being), and the Life (applying this knowledge and practising this way in the midst of ordinary everyday activity). 3 Feb 2025The opportunity is unrepeatable and unreceivable in exactly the same way, for the passage of time—be it a moment or a century—has forced change on both the situation and the person. 2 Feb 2025Grace is not necessarily bestowed deliberately or conferred personally. It may be received from someone who does not even know that he is its source. It may manifest through nothing more than the physical meeting between these two, or through a letter from one to the other, or even through the mere thinking about one of them by the other person. But, however obtained, Grace has its ultimate source in the mysterious Overself ..., ExcerptListen 1 Feb 2025I let time unfold and pass away into its source as, minute after minute, in the gathering dusk, the mountains slowly vanish, the room too, eyes close, contemplation ends, the Void takes over, and there is no one left to report. 31 Jan 2025Submit to the World-Idea—or suffer. Resign yourself to the higher course of things: go along with it—and be at peace! 30 Jan 2025The action which completes a thought is thrown back at him by Nature in the guise of karma. In this view he carries the responsibility for himself. He cannot turn it over to any human institution such as a church, or to any other human being such as a guru or saviour. 29 Jan 2025Once he is able to push the door open, he finds himself in a place where the light is heavenly, the peace indescribable, the feeling of divine support immeasurable. 28 Jan 2025Getting intensely absorbed in a true spiritual idea may, if it penetrates to a sufficient depth, put one into communication with the Universal Mind. This in turn enables him to receive, intuitively, what could not be found intellectually. 27 Jan 2025No man knows how deep is the reservoir of forces—mental, volitional, or psychical—within him untapped and unused. 26 Jan 2025… most of one’s misery is inflicted on oneself by accepting and holding negative thoughts. They cover and hide the still centre of one’s being, which is infinite happiness., ExcerptListen 25 Jan 2025The Long Path man is aware of many or most of his weaknesses and faults, and is tormented by this knowledge. The Short Path man blissfully ignores them or, if he fails to reach this formulated goal, is sure they will fade away and dissolve under the higher self’s grace. 24 Jan 2025Experience is apparently of value only insofar as it leads to thoughts about the experience, but actually it has another and hidden value—in the subconscious mind. 23 Jan 2025The Overself can work in him—without his knowledge or help—to unfold, balance, or integrate him. 22 Jan 2025There is only one Duty for men: it is to realize the divinity within. Slavish adherence to any personal, social, or racial duties, set us from outside, must bend and go whenever it comes into conflict with this higher Duty. At the call of this compelling inner voice, the Prince Gautama Buddha trampled down the gilded “duties” of his royal position and walked out into the wilderness a homeless wanderer. 21 Jan 2025None of these other ways of getting absorbed is absolutely prerequisite; the essential thing is to catch the delicate feeling of being indrawn and to go along with it.. 20 Jan 2025… For the only God he can reach, and the only one who will help him, is the God in him, the Overself., ExcerptListen 19 Jan 2025He must examine himself to find out how far hidden self-seeking enters into his altruistic activity. 18 Jan 2025There is danger to every man who denies this inner part of his being any share in daily life, any love, reverence, and worship. This danger may appear, fully realized, in his body or mind. 17 Jan 2025Anyone who can find a direct teacher in the Overself needs no other. But because the ego easily inserts itself even into his spiritual explorations and its influence into his spiritual revelations, he may still need an outer teacher to warn him against these pitfalls in his way. 16 Jan 2025Philosophy is not limited to work in meditation, although that is perhaps its most notable dramatic form. It is also applied in the area of everyday living routines and relationships. It is also active in work on character, emotions, and attitudes. It takes in the body and its diet. 15 Jan 2025To arrive at great certitude is to arrive at great strength. Truth not only clears the head but also arms the will. It is not only a light to our feet but is itself a force in the blood. 14 Jan 2025We do not live self-sufficient and self-sustained lives but depend wholly on the Overself in every way and at every moment. 13 Jan 2025… Another name for inspired action is unselfish work. The spiritual man will work no less hard than the average man; his work will be done well, with understanding, calmly, with detachment. His aspiration is towards Perfection, the Supreme Divinity, and this attitude will be seen in all his work, even in the meanest task …, ExcerptListen 12 Jan 2025When he lives in this godlike being with the background of his mind and in the world’s activity with the foreground of it, he lives in the fullest sense. 11 Jan 2025We need the body—all of us, not materialists nor ordinary persons only—therefore we must respect it. It is with the ears that we listen to Beethoven: that is, with the body. It is with the eyes that we read beautiful poetry: again with the body. Let us not decry the body. 10 Jan 2025There is that in man which repeatedly works against his finer aspirations, which provides him with opposition. Upon this anvil his character is hammered out, shaped, and developed. 9 Jan 2025Throw out the idea of coincidence. Remember there is a World-Idea. There is meaning in life, in its events, happenings, karmas, meetings, and opportunities. 8 Jan 2025
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