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The 30 latest published notes
At first he will find nothing more on the path than what his efforts can secure for him. This is why the earlier years often seem so long, so sterile, and so monotonous. But during the next period grace mingles with his efforts and encouraging results then appear. The third and last stage witnesses the gifts of the Overself falling like ripe plums into his lap without any further efforts on his part. Here all is done by the simple working of grace …, ExcerptListen 16 Sep 2024A spoken word or a written book which reaches through a man’s ordinary everyday character to his better self renders him a service which may be fleeting or lasting. The result will depend on whether or not he follows up the mood invoked. 15 Sep 2024A flower is as good an object to concentrate on as any other. Indeed it is better, for he may also try to make his own heart one with the flower’s heart. 14 Sep 2024The ego is by nature a deceiver and in its operations a liar. For if it revealed things as they really are, or told what is profoundly true, it would have to expose its own self as the arch-trickster pretending to be the man himself and proffering the illusion of happiness. 13 Sep 2024… So far as religion consists of a sense of reverence for a higher power and an attempt to live a good life in accordance with the ethical injunctions of the great religious founders, it is a definite necessity for the mass of humanity …, ExcerptListen 12 Sep 2024As the old questions about existence—whether of man, the universe, or God—clamour in the mind for answers, a conflict goes on inside the young and educated about what they are to do with their lives. 11 Sep 2024If he begins to think of himself as the doer of this service, the helper of these people, he begins to set up the ego again. It will act as a barricade between him and the higher impersonal power. The spiritual effectiveness of his activity will begin to dwindle. 10 Sep 2024The Orphic Mysteries were found in Greece and its colonies, in Macedonia, Thrace, Asia Minor, and southern Italy. Their revelations concerned the mystery of Deity, the nature of the soul, and its relationship with the body. For humanitarian, hygienic, and purificatory reasons a meatless diet was prescribed. 9 Sep 2024The quest is unattractive to sinners and unnecessary to saints. It is for those who are not wholly indifferent to worldly desires nor yet too strongly attached to them. 8 Sep 2024A man can respond to events or to prophets, to demands or to experiences, only on the level of his own capacity and mentality. We have no right to ask that he shall be better or wiser. 7 Sep 2024The glimpse will be lengthened when he himself develops: it will then no longer be abnormal, or supernormal, but a constant experience. 6 Sep 2024It is inadvisable to fast in winter as the cold weather is easily felt. The best times are spring, summer, and early autumn. Especially suitable times are: (a) at the two equinoxes, March 21 when the sun crosses the equator on its northward journey and thus inaugurates the spring season, and about September 23 when it again crosses the equator on its southward journey and inaugurates the autumn season and (b) at the summer solstice, when the sun changes its course and reverses its direction. This happens about June 21. At these three dates, Nature is preparing her great cyclic changes throughout the world and in Man. It is then that the cleansing of man’s body prepares him for these changes. 5 Sep 2024The differences between human beings still remain after illumination. The variations which make each one a unique specimen and the individual that he is, still continue to exist. But the Oneness behind human beings powerfully counterbalances. 4 Sep 2024It is not enough to lull the mind: the heart’s feeling must be stimulated and directed in aspiration and devotion, warm and strong toward the Overself, which by reaction, arouses a certain force, the Spirit-Energy, which acts for a short time to prepare him for deeper, more concentrated contemplation. 3 Sep 2024… Love is essential to meditation; it is a binding force comprised of devotion and reverence. The aim is to become united. Success in meditation is to become one with the Higher Self (unity). Meditation should be a yearning to come home to one’s place in the universe.., ExcerptListen 2 Sep 2024He will know what both the fullness and the fulfilment of life mean only when the consciousness that the Spirit is his own very self comes to life within him. 1 Sep 2024As a wave sinks back into the sea, so the consciousness which passes out of the personal self sinks back into its higher individuality. 31 Aug 2024Grace has no favourites. Its working is characterized by its own mysterious laws. Do not expect it in return for faith alone, nor for just effort alone. Try both. 30 Aug 2024Healing is but a mere incident in the work of a sage. Such a one will always keep as his foremost purpose the opening of the spiritual heart of man. 29 Aug 2024There are billions of forms and of creatures in the universes spread through space. They appear and vanish, they come and go, create and pass away, grow and decay, act and interact. This has been going on for immense periods of time; but in the thoughtful man’s mind there must arise the question, “To what end was is and shall be all this?” 28 Aug 2024He sets up the ideal of meeting events, be they favourable or adverse, with equanimity. 27 Aug 2024With all his humility before the Overself, he will bear himself among his fellow human beings with serene self-assurance and speak with firm conviction of that which he knows. 26 Aug 2024His consciousness is lifted up into another world of being; his little self is in communication with the Overself; his perception of truth is instantly translated into power to live that truth. 25 Aug 2024Right reflection about past experiences, together with determination to take himself in hand, will lead the student to a more worthwhile future and smooth the path ahead. 24 Aug 2024This deep, inner, and indescribable feeling which makes him yearn for closeness to the higher power is neither a misguided feeling nor a vain one. 23 Aug 2024When seeking intuitional light upon a subject, the aspirant is advised to put his body in a recumbent position. This, passive as it is, will correlate with the passivity of mind that he should cultivate at such a time. 22 Aug 2024If men followed their intuition more there would be fewer tragedies that could have been prevented or regrets that could have been avoided. 21 Aug 2024The forces which move men and bring about events are not always to be found by rational analysis. There is another factor present which eludes such analysis. It may be called the evolutionary intent of the World-Mind. 20 Aug 2024He need no longer seek things essential to his life or needful to his service; they themselves will come seeking him. 19 Aug 2024It cannot come to those who live on the surface of things, for merely to discover and recognize its existence requires the deepest attentiveness and the strongest love. All the human forces must unite and look for this divine event. 18 Aug 2024Such an attainment as philosophy proposes cannot be reached all at once. It must be approached through a series of preparatory steps. They will be slow in pace at first, but quicker later and sudden towards the end. 17 Aug 2024
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