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The 30 latest published notes
… When his mind has habituated itself to this kind of keen, abstract thinking and in some measure has developed the capacity to rest absorbed in its own tranquil centre, when the emotions have purified themselves of personal and animal taints, he has prepared himself for the highest kind of knowledge …, ExcerptListen 10 Oct 2024The ego is behind each point of resistance in a man which holds him down from advancing further on this quest. 9 Oct 2024No single human faculty is alone adequate to the search for truth. All must be used, including intuition, and finally crowned by a new one—insight. 8 Oct 2024Symeon, Byzantine mystic, theologian, and saint who flourished near Constantinople nine hundred years ago, thus explains the foundation principle of meditation: “Sitting alone, withdrawn mentally from the world around, search into your innermost heart.” 7 Oct 2024The point now attained in human evolution by the ego offers us the key to a correct understanding of the world crisis. 6 Oct 2024The circumstances in which he finds himself and the events which happen to him are not more to a man than what he thinks and does about them. For his reaction, his attitude are more often within his control than they may be. 5 Oct 2024Such is the untouched depth of the human being that when a man prays to God he really prays to himself, his Overself. 4 Oct 2024He need not make the reform in his habits of living until he is not only intellectually convinced of its need but also inwardly feels that the right time, the psychological moment, for it has arrived. In that way it will be unforced and natural, while its course and results will be lasting. 3 Oct 2024He will have to grow into this higher consciousness. No other way exists for him. 2 Oct 2024Humanity will within a certain time—not in our time—humbly submit as it once did in prehistoric times to rulers guided by true sages and adopt the higher forms of government inspired by the true facts of life. Philosophers will then be not merely the witnesses of their age but also its activators. Then only will humanity at last prevent outer war, even though its own moral nature will still need much more growth. With that recognition, Nature herself will grow kindlier and the area of other forms of human suffering will diminish noticeably. 1 Oct 2024We are incarnated to be educated. Experience provides the lessons, and necessity gives the disciplines. 30 Sep 2024Once he realizes that he cannot face two ways simultaneously, he will force himself to make a choice between them. The ego or the Overself? 29 Sep 2024The points of this experience are the difficulty of describing it precisely, the joy it yields and the peace it brings, the feeling of a finer self and the sense of a higher presence, the appraisal of its preciousness and the fading away of worldly desires. 28 Sep 2024This thing, this fleshly body, which ascetics have hated and saints have despised, is a holy temple. The divine Life-force is always latently present in it and, aroused, can sweep through every cell making it sacred. 27 Sep 2024If he loses his ego utterly and completely so that no trace of it exists at all, he would have to die, for his body is part of the ego. But he lives on. This shows that what he really loses is not the ego-nature but the ego-will. It is replaced by the higher will. 26 Sep 2024The destruction of our egoism must come from the outside if we will not voluntarily bring it about from the inside. But in the former case it will come relentlessly and crushingly. 25 Sep 2024He has brought over from earlier births a number of subconscious memories, tendencies and complexes, unfulfilled desires and unexpressed aspirations. These have to be dealt with, either by increasing eradication or by diminishing satisfaction, so that they no longer interrupt the calm tenor of the mind. 24 Sep 2024There are existences for beings on levels and in times and spaces different from ours. The level we know and the humans we see only partially manifest the World-Idea. 23 Sep 2024He should try to put himself into the future and look back on this present period. 22 Sep 2024If he has real inner peace he will never know the mental shock and nervous collapse which come to numbers of people when bereavement or loss of fortune comes. Such a calamity may not be preventable, but the emotional suffering it causes may be cut off at the very start by a philosophic attitude toward life generally. 21 Sep 2024The mystical aspirant has always been enjoined since earliest times to seek an environment for the practice of his exercises amidst the solitudes and beauties of Nature, where nothing disturbs and everything inspires. 20 Sep 2024It is legitimate to say that something godlike is within me, but it is quite illegitimate to say “I am God.” For the fragrance of a flower is after all not the same as the flower itself. 19 Sep 2024It is for those who feel that their lives ought to hold something more than the mere gaining of material necessities or even the mere satisfying of intellectual urges. 18 Sep 2024When the two are one, when ego and Overself no longer remain at a distance from one another, man experiences his first illumination. What will happen thereafter is wrapped in mystery. 17 Sep 2024At first he will find nothing more on the path than what his efforts can secure for him. This is why the earlier years often seem so long, so sterile, and so monotonous. But during the next period grace mingles with his efforts and encouraging results then appear. The third and last stage witnesses the gifts of the Overself falling like ripe plums into his lap without any further efforts on his part. Here all is done by the simple working of grace …, ExcerptListen 16 Sep 2024A spoken word or a written book which reaches through a man’s ordinary everyday character to his better self renders him a service which may be fleeting or lasting. The result will depend on whether or not he follows up the mood invoked. 15 Sep 2024A flower is as good an object to concentrate on as any other. Indeed it is better, for he may also try to make his own heart one with the flower’s heart. 14 Sep 2024The ego is by nature a deceiver and in its operations a liar. For if it revealed things as they really are, or told what is profoundly true, it would have to expose its own self as the arch-trickster pretending to be the man himself and proffering the illusion of happiness. 13 Sep 2024… So far as religion consists of a sense of reverence for a higher power and an attempt to live a good life in accordance with the ethical injunctions of the great religious founders, it is a definite necessity for the mass of humanity …, ExcerptListen 12 Sep 2024As the old questions about existence—whether of man, the universe, or God—clamour in the mind for answers, a conflict goes on inside the young and educated about what they are to do with their lives. 11 Sep 2024If he begins to think of himself as the doer of this service, the helper of these people, he begins to set up the ego again. It will act as a barricade between him and the higher impersonal power. The spiritual effectiveness of his activity will begin to dwindle. 10 Sep 2024
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