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The 30 latest published notes
Meditation is not a one-sided but a two-sided affair. We begin to practise by being mentally active, but after getting well into it, we can continue only by being mentally passive. 5 Dec 2024Throughout the darkest period of intense suffering, the Overself was all the time present, supporting and strengthening him to bear what there could be no escape from, what his higher destiny had irrevocably willed in order to detach him still further from egoism and personal ties. He was in its hands always, in joy and in sorrow alike. 4 Dec 2024Where can he find this peace or practise this presence except in himself? This done, he can go about his daily business anywhere and everywhere. 3 Dec 2024Socrates once declared, “I am a man and like other men a creature of flesh and blood.” He was married and had three sons. Yet this did not prevent him from attaining a lofty wisdom and the highest intellectual clarity and magnificent moral rectitude. 2 Dec 2024Failure to act at the right time in the right way may bring its own karmic consequences. 1 Dec 2024… The Grace is a heavenly superhuman gift … It was a flaming experience of Grace which changed Saul, the bitter opponent, into Paul, the ardent apostle …, ExcerptListen 30 Nov 2024In this strange experience when his life passes before his mind’s eye like a pageant but he does not feel that the figure he is watching is really himself, he learns the truth—or rather has the possibility of learning it—that even the personal ego is also a changing transitory appearance. 29 Nov 2024If a man will not come to this quest willingly, because it leads to Truth and he loves Truth, then he must be forced onto it, unwillingly, because there is no other way to alleviate his burdens and reduce his miseries. 28 Nov 2024He may test the authenticity of his inner experiences in various ways but one of them is to remember that if they begin with doubt and end with certainty, or begin with fear and end with joy, they represent a movement from the ego to the Overself. But if this order is reversed, they represent nothing more than a movement within the ego and are therefore to be distrusted. 27 Nov 2024In this strange experience he seems to be doing nothing at all, to be mentally quite inactive, all his forces having reached a full stop. Yet the Overself is intensely active. 26 Nov 2024We must refuse to chain ourselves either to the past or to the future by refusing to chain our thoughts to them. That is to say, we must learn to let them come to rest in the timeless Void. 25 Nov 2024The man whose weakness when confronted by temptation is so great that his yielding is plainly predictable, can not be said to have the same freedom of choice that the man of strong self-mastery has. 24 Nov 2024How close he comes to the truth may depend on how deeply he cares for it. 23 Nov 2024Inexplicable and incomprehensible though the fact must be to the human intellect, the One infinite Mind never loses its own character even though it is seemingly incarnated into the myriad forms of an evolving universe, never loses itself in them. 22 Nov 2024These brief enlightenments give us clues to both the true way and the true goal. They point within. 21 Nov 2024If a man is determined to succeed in this enterprise and optimistically believes that he will succeed, his efforts will increase and be strengthened, chances will be taken from which he would otherwise shrink; and even if he falls short of his hopes, the going is likely to be farther. What Ramana Maharshi said to me at our first meeting is apposite: “That is the surest way to handicap oneself,” he exclaimed, “this burdening of one’s mind with the fear of failure and the thought of one’s failings. The greatest error of a man is to think that he is weak by nature. . . . One can and must conquer.” 20 Nov 2024The ego’s rigidity must first be overcome: it shuts up consciousness within itself. If he can become aware of his imprisonment, this will be the beginning of finding freedom from the tendencies and impulses which largely compose it. 19 Nov 2024The Quest is a veritable re-education of the self, leading in its turn to a noble transcendence of the self. 18 Nov 2024… The trials of the path, as indeed the trials of life itself, are inescapable. He should endure the tribulations with the inner conviction that a brighter world awaits him; hope and faith will lead him to it., ExcerptListen 17 Nov 2024The more he practises keeping calm in the confrontations of worldly stress, the less difficult will it be to practise meditation. The practice not only makes it easier for intelligence to operate but also for thoughts to come under control. 16 Nov 2024The Day of Judgement is not only on the other side of the grave. It may be here, on this side, and now, in this month. 15 Nov 2024… If humanity is to travel upward and fulfil its higher destiny, it can do so only by enlarging its area of interest and extending its field of consciousness. It must, in short, seek to realize the Overself on the one hand, to feel its oneness on the other., ExcerptListen 14 Nov 2024If he can combine and balance a practical attitude towards the world with a transcendental detachment from the world, he will fulfil man’s higher purpose. 13 Nov 2024To find the Overself is to eliminate fear, establish harmony, and inspire living. 12 Nov 2024The calmness which he carries inside himself, and which is apparent in all his bearing, has not arisen out of nothing. It has come to him out of long struggle and after varied suffering. 11 Nov 2024The intellect’s finest function is to point the way to this actual living awareness of the Overself that is beyond itself. This it does on the upward path. But it has a further function to perform after that awareness has been successfully gained. That is to translate that experience into its own terms, and hence into ordinarily comprehensible ones, both for its own and other people’s benefit. 10 Nov 2024The intellect is not able to get this kind of knowledge, not able to gain access to this higher dimension. But what is denied to it is granted to another of man’s faculties—insight. True, this is still only a latent one in nearly all men. But it is there and, with the Overself’s grace, can be unfolded. 9 Nov 2024To live with men as one of them, yet not to live within their narrow limitations, is his duty and necessity. 8 Nov 2024In the moment of his greatest trial, in the hour of his greatest danger, man looks to the Infinite for his last resource as a babe looks to its mother. 7 Nov 2024Meditation first collects our forces in a single channel and then directs them toward the Overself. 6 Nov 2024The possession of moral values, metaphysical capacities, and spiritually intuitive qualities which distinguish more evolved from less evolved men takes time to acquire—so much time that reincarnation must be a continuous process. 5 Nov 2024
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