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The more developed a man is, in intelligence character and spiritual consciousness, the larger is the auric field around him. It is a strange fact to which science as well as philosophy, experience as well as intuition, can testify, that thought from one mind can be brought into another mind, that the feeling of one man may affect the feeling of another without the use of written message or spoken word. If there were no common mind among all men, this could never happen, could never have been possible. If they were not all rooted in a universal consciousness, however secret and hidden it be, such silent transmission between their individual consciousnesses could never have been possible. ... The deeper layers of the mind in which one man abides are indissolubly the same as the deeper layers of the mind in which his neighbour abides…,Listen ... When we understand that Mind is itself a reality apart from the fleshly brain, we can also understand why telepathy between two persons is perfectly possible…,Listen The capacity for intuition is born from a long experience in bygone lives but the psychological reality of it was always present--because the Overself was. He must test these experiences, these intuitions not only by their internal evidences but also by their external results. Do they make him humbler or prouder? Do they improve the balance of his faculties or disturb it? Make it a definite rule in every single instance to check your intuitions by the light of reason. We cultivate intuition not so much by strengthening it little by little as by removing the obstacles to it. The highly personal man is too full of himself to leave any room for the soul, with its utter impersonality, to enter his field of awareness. Intuitions move in on us in one of two ways: either so soft and gentle at first as almost to be missed or with such aggressive forcefulness as to allow no other way. It is not easy for the beginner to know how valid is the intuition he feels or the guidance he gets. Where any doubt exists it is better to wait before accepting the one or obeying the other. It is easy to take one’s opinion as something more than it is. But no one who really gets an intuition, a revelation, or an awareness from the Overself can mistake it as something less than it is. For it is unique in presentation and experience. He may test the authenticity of his inner experiences in various ways but one of them is to remember that if they begin with doubt and end with certainty, or begin with fear and end with joy, they represent a movement from the ego to the Overself. But if this order is reversed, they represent nothing more than a movement within the ego and are therefore to be distrusted. How much of the glimpse, experience, or message is truly inspired by a higher source, and how much is merely added, imagined, or misconceived by his own little ego-mind, is a question that the beginning quester should have the humility to ask himself. What is authentic will easily survive such careful discriminating judgement. As such possibilities of error and deception exist along the aspirant’s path, it is needful for him to lay down a safe rule for his self-protection. And that is to regard all his revelations as being projections of his subconscious ego, with all the ego’s limitations and defects, until they prove themselves in time to be otherwise.
14 May 2018
3 Apr 2015
7 Aug 2014
6 Oct 2014
24 Oct 2014
13 Aug 2014
9 Aug 2022
13 Oct 2024
7 Dec 2024
16 Feb 2013
5 Jul 2023
12 Oct 2024
27 Nov 2024
11 Jul 2023
31 Oct 2024
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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