The Library
... I am never really alone when writing but every now and then there rises before my mind's eye the vision of some man or woman whose whole life may take a new and nobler course because of a few paragraphs which flow lightly from this old pen of mine…,Listen The concept of the Overself's presence among us originated with the ancients but is validated by modern experience. This experience of the Overself provides the best evidence of its existence and reality: no other is needed…,Listen … It is not enough to have had a mystical experience. The prodigal has still not returned to his father's home, but only seen it through the haze for a few moments and from afar off.,Listen How many a glorious moment has found its way from the inner life to my outer notebook! … I know that there is a soul because I daily commune with it as a real, living presence.,Listen These teachings are not the result of conjecture nor the mirror of opinion. They are insights got by an opening of the inner eyes. This fact must be pointed out, in all humility, if they are to carry to any reader the revelatory understanding which they have already brought the writer. My Initiations into the Overself. (1) A force welled up in the heart, rose to the head, then passed forwards into space. As it left the body, I knew I was not the body…,Listen My Initiations into the Overself. (5) In that deep silence the ego was integrated with the Overself. The operation was almost wholly done through the power of Grace. It descended in overwhelming force and crushed out the ego's tyrannical rule.,Listen My Initiations into the Overself. (7) During the illumination there was no jubilant ecstasy, no emotional excitement, no unbalancing rapture. It was a happy peace, a calm abidance in beauty, love, wisdom.,Listen My Initiations into the Overself. (9) I found I could go on thinking, or not thinking, while still remaining in the higher awareness.,Listen My Initiations into the Overself. (11) As this presence held me, it gave me an invulnerable peace and a strange detachment from personal matters or outer happenings.,Listen Mine is a religion which cannot be named, a God who cannot be discussed, a worship which cannot be seen or heard. All that I revere rests in secrecy and silence. … An unillumined person cannot perceive that God is the very Provider of all. He believes that by obtaining money, position, or power he will find security and happiness. The illumined person knows that they are found only in God.,Listen Throughout the darkest period of intense suffering, the Overself was all the time present, supporting and strengthening him to bear what there could be no escape from, what his higher destiny had irrevocably willed in order to detach him still further from egoism and personal ties. He was in its hands always, in joy and in sorrow alike. I have embodied in these pages the matured wisdom and dearly bought experience of many many lifetimes. The P.B. of l946 is not the same as the P.B. of 1926. They differ on several points, although, happily, not on the fundamental points that man’s soul is and that his duty here and now is to realize it. ... Nothing is more substantial than the eternal truth of man's spiritual existence. Nothing could be more real than the experiences which come to him when he can unchain the mind from the dense vibrations of the fleshly body.,Listen We have a message for this age and we shall descend into the marketplace and give it …,Listen After all, if this teaching helps some readers penetrate the mystery of the higher power even just a little, it will really help them a lot.
10 Sep 2012
22 Apr 2012
12 Dec 2017
30 Sep 2016
3 Jan 2019
3 Aug 2017
10 Sep 2017
11 Sep 2017
12 Sep 2017
13 Sep 2017
14 Sep 2017
17 Jan 2019
25 Dec 2018
4 Dec 2024
10 Dec 2018
20 Nov 2023
31 Mar 2013
1 May 2022
2 Aug 2017
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen ·