Day by day
The Grace works from his centre outward, transforming him from within, and therefore its earliest operation is unknown to his everyday mind. 1 Mar 2017The glimpse is a man's personal revelation of his divine possibilities. It is breath-taking and beautiful. He eagerly seeks its repetition. 2 Mar 2017He becomes detached when he frees himself from the universally prevalent tendency to connect every experience with the personal ego. Detachment takes him out of himself and saves him from getting emotionally involved in his environment. 3 Mar 2017Those who cannot or will not learn to bow their heads in reverence at certain times like sunsets, in certain places like massive mountains, or before certain men like sages, will not be able to learn the highest wisdom. 4 Mar 2017We have to bring this awareness of the Overself as a permanent and perpetual feature into active life. 5 Mar 2017It is such a man (The Sage) who most serves his fellows yet who least receives the recognition of his service. This is because humanity fails to understand where its true interests lie, what its true goal is, and why it is here at all. 6 Mar 2017We think that birth is the beginning and death the end of all for us. Theologians and metaphysicians have argued and disputed over this as far back as the memory of man can go, so who are we to say ”yea” or ”nay” to them? But when the noise and din of their jarring voices fade into the distance, when the quieter hours of evening wrap us around, fold upon fold, then it is that a strange and sublime sense steals upon us, if we will but permit its coming, and says: ”My child, what they think and what they say does not really matter. I am by your side and I shall never fail you. Smile at Death if you wish, or fear it--but I am with you always.” 7 Mar 2017… Whereas metaphysics seeks to lift us up to the superphysical idea by thinking, whereas meditation seeks to lift us up by intuition, whereas ethics seeks to raise us to it by practical goodness, art seeks to do the same by feeling and appreciating beauty. Philosophy in its wonderful breadth and balance embraces and synthesizes all four and finally adds their coping stone, insight., ExcerptListen 8 Mar 2017The situation of the human being, neither animal nor angel but stretched out somewhere between both, is unique. 9 Mar 2017It is almost impossible to throw all thoughts and all images out of the mind. But what we cannot do for ourselves can be done for us by a higher power. 10 Mar 2017The more he behaves with kindly qualities towards others, the more will their behaviour towards him reflect back at least some of these qualities. The more he improves his own mental and moral conditions, the more will his human relations bring back some echo of this improvement. 11 Mar 2017It is true that men learn through disappointment and develop through suffering. But this need not cause us to forget that they also learn and develop through joy and beauty. 12 Mar 2017Edison said that all his inventions grew out of initial flashes which welled up from within. The rest was a matter of research. 13 Mar 2017When we feel the littleness of our ego against the greatness of our Overself, we become humble. Therefore it is that to those who feel neither the one nor the other, the first prescription is: cultivate humility. 14 Mar 2017Mystic experience has its limitation. It still remains within the realm of duality. This is because the subject-object relationship still remains. How is this limitation to be removed? The answer is only by being Being, only by transcending this relation. 15 Mar 2017It is natural and inevitable that, when ripened by experience, men should yearn to be united with their divine Source. 16 Mar 2017The marriage which is either unsatisfactory to one of the partners or unhappy for both of them may always take a different turn if regarded from a different viewpoint--a higher one. 17 Mar 2017What is in your heart? Ramakrishna's was full of the Divine Mother, as he called God. Before long he found her. Saint Francis of Assisi gave humility highest place in his own. He became the humblest man of his time. Fix an ideal in your heart. That is the first step to finding it. 18 Mar 2017When the wisdom of experience is married to the drive of youth, tempering it but not paralysing it; when dreams are fulfilled in actions and ideals are reflected in emotions; when intuition reigns over intellect and guides will, man has achieved a worthy balance. 19 Mar 2017By forgiving those who have harmed us, we put ourselves in the position of earning forgiveness for the harm we ourselves have done. 20 Mar 2017…”God regardeth the duty of proclaiming His message as the most meritorious of all deeds,” wrote the Persian prophet Baha'u'llah. Once fully engaged in this endeavour, he will feel more and more that he is part of a movement which is on the coming wave…, ExcerptListen 21 Mar 2017Forces out of his own reincarnatory past come up and push him towards certain decisions, actions, and attitudes. 22 Mar 2017He can hold himself in this egoless state for a brief while only. The ego soon rises up again and the glorious presence retires, for the two are incompatible. 23 Mar 2017Do not give a single glance backward to the error-filled past, for the education given by it and the suffering from its consequences have led to the strength and wisdom of the Present. 24 Mar 2017When I wrote down the exercise in The Wisdom of the Overself of concentrating on the gap between two thoughts, I did not know that the Buddha had stated that Nirvana exists ”between two mind moments.” I take this statement to confirm the usefulness of that exercise--admittedly a very difficult one. 25 Mar 2017Yes it is a wonderful feeling, this which accompanies a glimpse of the higher self; but when it is also merged with a knowing, a positive perception beyond the need of discussion, interpretation, formulation, or judgement, it gives the philosophical seeker a certitude which is like a benediction. 26 Mar 2017The intuition may be slow in revealing itself but when it does the inner certitude it provides, the strong consciousness of being right, will enable him to act decisively and swiftly. 27 Mar 2017The title ”leader” implies its corollary ”follower.” But a spiritual leader of the kind here described does not want a mass of followers trailing behind him in a partisan spirit. It is enough for him to give others a few inspirations, ideas, insights, and yet leave them free to work on the material as they wish, unobligated to join any movement. 28 Mar 2017So long as the ego's rule is preserved, so long will the karmic tendencies which come with it be preserved. But when its rule is weakened they too will automatically be starved and weakened. To start this process, start trying to take an impersonal detached view. 29 Mar 2017Release from tension is the beginning of release from ego. To relax body, feeling, and mind is to prepare the way for such a desirable consummation…, ExcerptListen 30 Mar 2017… Here is the first secret of meditation--Be still! The second secret is--Know the I am, God! The stillness will have a relaxing and somewhat healing effect, but no more, unless he has faith, unless he deliberately seeks communion with God., ExcerptListen 31 Mar 2017
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen ·