Day by day
Oh, Lord, if I have any prayer at all it is, ”Make the ’me’ absolutely quiescent and lead me into thy utter stillness where nothing else matters but the stillness itself.” 1 Mar 2022Where is the expert in meditational theory and practice greater than the Buddha? His recommendation for those who earnestly sought to master the act was to establish two basic conditions—solitude without and perseverance within. 2 Mar 2022If the Grace of the Overself is to take hold of the man, no part of his ego ought to offer resistance. This is why a preparation for the event is needed, a process of taking out of him those things which are certain to instigate such resistance. In other words, the activity of the Long Path is necessary to the successful treading of the Short Path. 3 Mar 2022If the artist becomes truly inspired he will not seek to bring horror to men but rather beauty. This will be so whatever way it shows itself—colour, sound, word, or form. The final step is not with beauty for its own sake but for what it points and leads to—the beautiful Consciousness which awaits man, the inner beauty. 4 Mar 2022Consciousness is the best witness to its own existence. 5 Mar 2022If he firmly believes in his own hidden intuitive powers, he will be able to ascribe much of his success to his readiness to follow their guidance, despite the opposition of logic and circumstances. 6 Mar 2022The Long Path, despite its magnificent ideals of self-improvement and self-control, is still egoistic. For this determination to rise spiritually is directed by willed ambition—willed by the higher part of the ego. 7 Mar 2022… Since that which IS cannot be taken hold of by thinking of any kind … the mind must be emptied of all its contents in order that its true nature—awareness—should be revealed …, ExcerptListen 8 Mar 2022All these yoga exercises and physical practices are praiseworthy. They are recommended to aspirants—but only as accessories. They are not, and never can be, substitutes for that moment-to-moment struggle with the ego in daily living which is fundamental and inescapable …, ExcerptListen 9 Mar 2022… there is something which he can and must know in order to fulfil himself, but it is not a piling-up of numbered facts; it is nothing other than his relation to the source of the cosmos., ExcerptListen 10 Mar 2022… Without Grace there is no entry. We may strive and weep, but unless the Grace falls on us we cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven. How and when it should come depends partly upon our karma, partly upon our yearning, and partly upon the channel which God uses., ExcerptListen 11 Mar 2022Every man whose orbit touches your own is unwittingly your teacher. He has something of value for you, however small it be. Let him perform his mission, then. Do not dim the lesson by covering it with clouds of negative emotion. 12 Mar 2022No worldly advantage can tempt the sage into desertion of his sacred task of serving humanity, nor can any egoism lead him into betrayal of those who trust him. 13 Mar 2022The insight, once caught, and however briefly, will leave behind a calm discontent with the triviality of ordinary life, a lucid recognition of its pathetic futility and emptiness, as well as a calm dissatisfaction with the man himself. 14 Mar 2022There is only a single light of consciousness in the mind’s camera. Without it the world could not be photographed upon the film of our ego-mind. Without it, the ego-mind itself would be just as blank. That light is the Overself. 15 Mar 2022If daily work is accompanied by daily remembrance, and if detachment from the ego is practised along with both, this goal can be attained by a worldling as much as by a world-renouncer. 16 Mar 2022Goethe: ”You give me space to belong to myself yet without separating me from your own life.” 17 Mar 2022The tightness with which we hold on to the ego and thus separate ourselves from the Overself’s life and the tenseness with which we shut ourselves in the old miserably limited existence are the results of habit. If we are to escape from it into the free creativity of the greater life, we will have to break its vicious circle. This may be enforced upon us by the shock of drastic events or it may be made possible for us by the grace of an illumined man or it may be achieved by us through the determined arousal of a desperate will. Whichever way it happens, it will be the beginning of the end for the ego and the beginning of the best for ourselves. 18 Mar 2022If his mind is filled with other people’s teachings, it may give no attention to his own Overself’s teachings, leadings, and intuitions. 19 Mar 2022The nearer his understanding comes to this higher Self, the humbler he becomes and the less likely is he to boast about this uncommon condition. 20 Mar 2022His discovery of being born out of, and still remaining rooted in, the Infinite Mind of God, is a tremendous one but it does not make him identical with God. 21 Mar 2022If only he could become aware of his own awareness! 22 Mar 2022If he is as determined as he is sincere, as unselfish as self-disciplined, as sensitive as intuitive, he may expect to go far on the quest. 23 Mar 2022It is a work of leading the attention more and more inward until it reaches to the plane beneath thoughts, where peaceful being alone holds and satisfies it. 24 Mar 2022The education of human intelligence, the culture of spiritual intuition, and the ennoblement of character are necessities, since it is they, together, that stand between mankind and catastrophe. 25 Mar 2022He knows from this experience that he is incipient with a love that the world does not ordinarily know, with a goodness that it seldom sees in action, and with an understanding that lights up dark places in the course of life. 26 Mar 2022When all of a man’s thoughts are put together, this total constitutes his ego. By giving them up to the Stillness, he gives up his ego, denies his self, in Jesus’ phrase. 27 Mar 2022The Infinite Mind is centered within its finited expression, the human ego. 28 Mar 2022”What is the Overself telling me through this experience? What does it want me to learn, know, do, or avoid?” 29 Mar 2022The ego has enthroned itself. It asserts its supremacy in all matters. This situation may be allowed for ordinary people in the ordinary affairs of everyday living but it cannot be allowed for truth-seeking people in the graver issues of the quest. The seeker must indeed cultivate the habit of looking on his ego as his enemy, must resist rather than flatter it. 30 Mar 2022When at length he will be called to account by karma, he will be judged not by the certificates of character which others bestow upon him, whether good or bad, but by the motives felt in his heart, the attitudes held in his mind, and the deeds done by his hands. 31 Mar 2022
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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