Day by day
Although he dwells in the Eternal, he lets the passing hour take from him what it needs. This is balance. 1 Feb 2019The significant moment in meditation begins when the man stops making efforts himself and when the mind begins to take him, to withdraw him into itself quite of its own accord. This is an amazing experience for he does not know how he came to stop doing what he was already doing, trying, using effort. He is somehow led into letting it all go, into yielding to the mood of passivity which gently, imperceptibly steals over him. 2 Feb 2019In the third stage, contemplation, the mind ceases to think and simply, without words, worships loves and adores the Divine. 3 Feb 2019We must endeavour to find this divinity within, not merely at set times of meditation, but also amid the press of the marketplaces. 4 Feb 2019He learns then that there is another part of himself not the ego which has hitherto dominated his thoughts and days--a delightful beautiful unpressured part. He knows then what peace of mind really means. He sees that he has lived only as a fraction of himself, and even that has been made miserable by inner or outer friction. 5 Feb 2019The quest is simply the attempt of a few pioneer men to become aware of their spiritual selves as all men are already aware of their physical selves. 6 Feb 2019None of the elementary methods of yoga such as breath control and mantram lead to a permanent control of the mind, but they prepare the way and make it easier to take up those practices which do lead to such a result. 7 Feb 2019Life is largely what we make it by our way of thinking about it. How important then to remove error from the mind and to put truth in its place! How different would our fortunes be if we recognized this need and always acted upon it! 8 Feb 2019Only when all of the mind--unconsciously evolved through the mineral, plant, animal, and lower human kingdoms--enters on the quest, does it consciously enter upon the development of its own consciousness. 9 Feb 2019… The higher Self always seeks to enlighten the whole of the man. Hence the threefold-path character of the work of this quest. He may have to build more intellect or develop more will, for instance. He has to reorganize his whole personality, in short. The emotional perfecting is easiest and occurs first; the intellectual is harder and occurs second; the moral reeducation through right actions is hardest of all and occurs last…, ExcerptListen 10 Feb 2019Out of the inner quietude have come the great decisions, the miraculous healings, the memorable awakenings, and the end of sorrows. 11 Feb 2019Asceticism is not identified with philosophy but only with mysticism. Nevertheless there comes a period in his life when he has to go through the battles of Hercules, fight and overcome his lower nature before he may be initiated into higher realizations. Sex must and can be conquered. Only when this is done can rapid spiritual advancement be in order. 12 Feb 2019… Underneath the surface sufferings which no one escapes, far deeper down than its counterpart, is a vast harmony, an immense love, an incredible peace, and a universal support., ExcerptListen 13 Feb 2019Nobility of character will not save a man who eats meat from the dark karma which he thereby makes, although it may modify it. This bad habit puts his good health into peril. 14 Feb 2019Whenever a glimpse is given to him, he should stretch its duration to the utmost. This can be markedly helped by being very careful to keep his physical position unchanged, by not even slightly moving hand or foot or trunk. The perfectly still body offers the best condition for retaining the perfectly still mind. If attention is to be placed anywhere in the body, it should be placed in the region of the heart. 15 Feb 2019Being what it is, a compound of higher and lower attributes which are perpetually in conflict, the ego has no assured future other than that of total collapse. The Bible sentence, A Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand, is very applicable to it: this is why the aspirant must take heart that one day his goal will be reached, even if there were no law of evolution to confirm it--as there is. 16 Feb 2019He needs a humbleness like that of the grass which is trodden by all feet, a patience like that of the tree which is exposed to all weathers. 17 Feb 2019The need is for much more bhakti, especially during meditation, for intenser and warmer yearning to feel the sacred presence. It is really a need to descend from merely knowing in the head to knowing and feeling in the heart. 18 Feb 2019…Here and there a man emerges from the herd who is becoming an individual, creatively making himself into a fully human being. For him each day is a fresh experience, each experience is unique, each tomorrow no longer the completely inevitable and quite foreseeable inheritance of all its yesterdays…, ExcerptListen 19 Feb 2019… And the Gita tells us that no efforts are in vain; all bring their fruit sometime, somewhere--if not in this birth then in another, if not in this world then in the next…, ExcerptListen 20 Feb 2019It needs again and again to be explained that after the Overself takes possession of a man's consciousness and begins to rule his will, it can take possession only of what it finds in his whole personality. If, for example, it finds an undeveloped reasoning power it cannot and does not suddenly develop it for him…, ExcerptListen 21 Feb 2019The fear of losing individuality and dissolving in a mass consciousness, or of losing identity and disappearing as a personal self, comes up as an obstacle in a certain deep stage of meditation--but not the deepest. It has to be overcome, transcended. 22 Feb 2019Do men's hearts have to be broken before they yield to the higher power? Often, yes, but not if they heed the teachers, prophets, seers, and sages. 23 Feb 2019Why did Jesus say, ”I and my Father are one,” but yet a little later add, ”The Father is greater than I”? The answer is that Jesus the man had attained complete harmony with his higher Self and felt himself one with it, but the universal Christ-principle will always be greater than the man himself; the Overself will always transcend the person. 24 Feb 2019We begin by understanding the ego--a work which requires patience because much of the ego is hidden, masked or disguised. We end by getting free from it. 25 Feb 2019To trace the ego to its lair is to observe its open and covered manifestations, to analyse, comprehend, and note their everchanging ephemerality. Finally it too turns out to be but a thought structure--empty, and capable of dissolution like all thoughts. 26 Feb 2019If he will compare those rapturous and illumined moments with his prosaic ordinary days, he will have an excellent clue to what his life's goal should be, what his true self really is, as well as how and where he should look for both. 27 Feb 2019… Henceforth he is to be taught from within, led from within, by something deeper than intellect, surer than intellect. Henceforth he is to do what needs doing under the influx of a higher will than his merely personal one., ExcerptListen 28 Feb 2019
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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