Day by day
Свръх Aзът не е нещо въображаемо или предполагаемо. Присъствието му се усеща осезаемо. ф 2020Има дълъг ред от свидетелства, към които трябва да добавя моето собствено: Свръх Себето не е метафизична абстракция или мистична халюцинация, а жива и вдъхновяваща, ако не рядка, част от човешкия опит. Да знаеш това, е да знаеш най-доброто за себе си. ф 2020Трябва ли тези настроения на пълно спокойствие да се повтарят отново и отново, за да убедят съмняващия се човек, че наистина съществува състояние на съзнанието отвъд така нареченото нормално ежедневие?, С изключение3 ф 2020Хората, които произнасят решения или пишат мнения за мистицизма без да имат действителен и личен опит от тези психични състояния и явления, които го тълкуват само отвън и само като наблюдатели, не могат да бъдат надеждни авторитети по темата. ф 2020Тъй като той разглежда теорията и практиката на своя предмет отвътре, мистикът може да го обсъжда с коректност и авторитет, които повечето критици не притежават, защото са извън него..., С изключение5 ф 2020Има само един начин да разреши въпроса си дали Свръх Азът съществува ... Всеки трябва да придобие за себе си автентичния мистичен опит..., С изключение6 ф 2020По Дългия път той използва различни видове практики. Сега в портала на Краткия път той може да ги прекъсва и временно да ги отхвърли, но след това също така временно и периодично да ги практикува. По този начин той може да обедини двата пътя. ф 2020Истината може да бъде написана или изговорена, проповядвана или отпечатана, но най-трайният й израз и комуникация се предава чрез най-дълбокото мълчание към най-дълбоката природа на човека. ф 2020Човешката крехкост е това, което e, така че човешкото поведение не трябва никога да ни изненадва или учудва. Като не очакваме твърде много от него, ние си спестяваме излишни горчивини или разочарования. ф 2020Всеки човек, който добие поглед върху своите духовни възможности, ще бъде преследван завинаги от тях, докато не се опита да постигне реална мисъл и живот с тях. Стремежът да го направи го привежда рано или късно по Пътя. ф 2020Those whom he never even meets but who direct their thought and faith towards him, receive inspiration automatically. The impact of his personality helps those whom he does meet, if they are sympathetic, but often without his even being aware of it. ф 2020Karma is the precise result of what a man thinks and does. His reaction to events and situations is the precise result of what he is, his stage in evolution…, С изключение12 ф 2020He shapes himself into another person in imagination, in faith, and in will. For a while he creates the illusion of a new destiny accompanying this new person. Is this not a veritable rebirth? Does he not get away from the old everyday person and forget him utterly through this miraculous transformation? He lives so completely in this visualized ideal self that there is no space left for the old faults, the old weaknesses to creep in. ф 2020It is not enough for parents to protect a child--they should also encourage and stimulate it to awaken spiritually. ф 2020Whoever comes close to this uncovered goodness within his heart--can he have any other feeling towards others than that of goodwill? ф 2020The central point of this quest is the inner opening of the ego's heart to the Overself. ф 2020He should remember that there are two approaches to the Quest and both have to be used. There is the Long Path of self-improvement, self-purification, and self-effort; and there is the Short Path of forgetting the self entirely and directing his mind towards the Goal, towards the One Real Life, by constant remembrance of it and by practising self-identification with it. If he uses the first approach, he can progress to a certain point. But by bringing in the second approach, the Higher Power is brought in too and comes to his help with Grace. ф 2020It is all the difference between living at the still centre and on the bustling circumference, at the mysterious core and on the prosaic surface. ф 2020If outer events bring him to a position where he can bear them no longer and force him to cry out to the higher power in helplessness for relief, or if inner feelings bring humiliation and recognition of his dependence on that power, this crushing of the ego may open the door to grace. ф 2020There is a deeper level of every man's mind which is not subject to his passions, not moved by his desires, not affected by his senses. ф 2020He always turns for his first defense against the perils and troubles of this world to brief meditation upon the all-wise, all-powerful Overself, and only after that for his secondary defenses to the ego's human resources. ф 2020If he takes an excessive clinical interest in his own moral and spiritual state, continually observing his conduct and analysing his feelings to find the flaws in them, he loses his balance and becomes inwardly unhealthy. In putting too much emphasis upon his failings, he is giving too much attention to his own ego. ф 2020…The sage carries into sleep the awareness he had in wakefulness. He may let it dim down to a glimmer, but it is always there., С изключение23 ф 2020Each group gives a different name to the Parent of the universe, calls it Brahma or Jehovah, Allah or Tao, but all groups really direct their worship to one and the same God. ф 2020If you feel that the principles touched on in these pages are true, then remember that the greatest homage you can pay to Truth is to use it. Spiritual peace is given as a prize to those who wisely aspire, and who will work untiringly for the realization of their aspiration. ф 2020It is easier to transform a wilderness into a garden flourishing with plants and flowers than to transform humanity into a spiritual race. But time and life, evolution and experience will all combine to do it. The movement up to higher levels will be slow and painful, the maturation of human character retarded and halting, but they will be sure because they are written in the fate of man. ф 2020To find out the truth little by little by oneself is to make it really one's own. To be pushed into it with a plunge by a master always entails the likelihood of a return to one's native and proper level later on. ф 2020… The dedication to the Missa Solemnis was May heart speak to heart. This is a work whose infrequent performance stirs me to depths when I hear it, so reverential, so supernal is it. Few know that Beethoven himself regarded the Missa as his greatest composition. It must surely be his most spiritual composition, a perfect expression of the link between man and God., С изключение28 ф 2020… We get just the kind of karma whose silent instruction is needed at the time…, С изключение29 ф 2020
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen ·