Day by day
By reorienting thought toward Overself, forgetfulness sets in for the little self: the measure of one is the measure of the other. 1 Dec 2019There is no room for spiritual lethargy and personal laziness in the philosophical aspirant's life. First he will labour incessantly at the improvement of himself; when this has been accomplished, he will labour incessantly at the improvement of others. 2 Dec 2019We can receive a new truth more easily in the mind's quietude than in the mind's agitation. When thinking is stilled, intuiting begins. Such internal silence is not useless idleness, it is creative experience. 3 Dec 2019His spiritual progress will be measured not so much by his meditational progress as by his moral awakening. 4 Dec 2019The thread of contemplation once broken, it is nearly impossible to pick it up again quickly enough that same time. This is why it is important to let nothing else, not even a change in bodily posture, come to interrupt the contemplation. 5 Dec 2019If he can hold himself in the Light steadily and unfalteringly, his consciousness will be raised to a higher plane. 6 Dec 2019Greeks who believed strongly in the idea of rebirth were not only the initiates of the Orphic Mysteries, but also among the most celebrated thinkers, especially Plato. 7 Dec 2019The Law of Karma makes each man responsible for his own life. The materialist who denies karma and places all the blame and burden upon the shoulders of environment and heredity denies responsibility. He begins and ends with an illusion. 8 Dec 2019If we turn ourselves over to the higher power, surrendering our personal spiritual future to it, we must also turn over the personal physical future, with all its problems, at the same time. 9 Dec 2019It is not only a question of what course of action will be most effective, but of what will be most ethical. Neither of these two factors can be ignored with impunity; both must be brought into a balanced relation. 10 Dec 2019Whatever faculty, quality, function, or aspect he is deficient in, he should seek to cultivate it. Whatever is present to excess, he should seek to curb or modify it. Harmony, Balance, and Completeness characterize the idea. 11 Dec 2019If he has really turned his life over to the higher power, then he need not crease his brow trying to work out his own plans. He can wait either for the inner urge to direct him or for new circumstances to guide his actions. 12 Dec 2019… This raises the interesting question: what, then, is the Void? Ordinarily the term is used for that state where personal, physical, and mental experiences come to a stop but with a rarefied consciousness still remaining. There is no-thing to be known and no-one to know it, certainly no personal memory…, ExcerptListen 13 Dec 2019This grand section of the quest deals with the right conduct of life. It seeks both the moral re-education of the individual's character for his own benefit and the altruistic transformation of it for society's benefit. 14 Dec 2019… During this rare experience the man feels that he is free from earthly attachments and worldly desires, that the intense peace he enjoys is the true happiness, that God's reality is the overwhelming fact of existence…, ExcerptListen 15 Dec 2019Just before an animal meets its death in a slaughterhouse, it finds itself surrounded by the frightening cries and fear-raising scenes of past, present, and impending murder. Its own dread then mentally permeates the body with harmful influences while the subsequent shock of its own slaying causes an involuntary passage of some urine into the body itself. This uric acid is spread by the blood and then physically permeates the body with poisonous material. 16 Dec 2019The meditation has been successfully accomplished when all thoughts have come to an end, and when the presence of Divinity is felt within this emptiness. 17 Dec 2019The path requires an all-round effort. It calls for the discipline of emotions as well as the purification of character from egoism, the practice of the art of meditation as well as religious devotion and prayer, constant reflection about the experiences of life to learn the lessons behind them, and constant discrimination between the values of earthly and spiritual things. This self-development crowned by altruistic activity will in time call forth the grace of the Overself and will bring blissful glimpses occasionally to encourage his endeavours…, ExcerptListen 18 Dec 2019It is not only a path to be followed but one to be followed with good humour and graciousness. 19 Dec 2019… We are told to kill out the ego; we are also told that the ego does not exist. The fact is it must exist if activity exists. What then is to be done by the spiritual aspirant? He can bring and eventually must bring the ego into subjection to the higher Power. It is still there, but it is put in its proper place…, ExcerptListen 20 Dec 2019The stillness is not experienced in the same way as a mere lazy and idle reverie: it is dynamic, creative, and healing. The presence of one man who is able to attain it is a gift, a blessing, to all other men, though they know it not. 21 Dec 2019Consciousness as ego has cut us off from the Source. But it need not do so forever. Through the quest, we can come closer and closer to the reintegration of a subdued ego with its Source, which will thenceforth act through us. 22 Dec 2019The message of philosophy in this matter may be summed up as this: Look beyond your tiny circle of awareness and forget the little I for a while in order to remember that greater and grander Being whence you have emanated. 23 Dec 2019… He will feel an overwhelming sense of relief as the glimpse deepens and all cares, all burdens, fade away., ExcerptListen 24 Dec 2019… This is the tragedy, that the powers, talents, and consciousness of man are spent so often in hatred and war when they could work harmoniously for the World-Idea, that his own disharmony brings his own suffering and involves others. But each wave of development must take its course, and each ego must submit in the end…, ExcerptListen 25 Dec 2019In this exercise he first tries to comprehend that there is an immaterial and infinite Mind back of himself and, second, tries to identify himself with it. This he can successfully do only by an inner withdrawal in the one case and by a forgetting of personality in the other. 26 Dec 2019To promote his idealistic tendencies and to neglect his realistic ones, to achieve a high level of intellectuality and to remain at a low level of morality, to be over-critical of others and under-critical of oneself--these are types of unbalance which he should adjust as soon as possible. 27 Dec 2019If true light can come only from within a man, every outer method of bringing it to him must be in reality a method which leads him astray. 28 Dec 2019They whose emotions can respond to the grandeur and sublimity of Nature in all her manifold expressions, in forest and mountain, river and lake, in sea and sky, and the beauty of flowers, are not materialists even though they may so call themselves. Unconsciously they offer their devotion to the Divine Reality, even though they may call it by some other name. 29 Dec 2019… Rebirth identifies a man more with his mind than with his body…, ExcerptListen 30 Dec 2019It is not too late at any period of life, even in old age, to obtain a firm footing upon the spiritual path and gain its satisfying rewards. 31 Dec 2019
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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