Day by day
On this Short Path he searches into the meaning of Being, of being himself and of being-in-itself, until he finds its finality…, ExcerptListen 1 Dec 2018The man who finds his mind suddenly illuminated, but does not know why it came about, may find his answer in the doctrine of ”tendencies”--prenatal and karmic--reappearing from former lives and held hitherto in the deeper mental levels. 2 Dec 2018If the sage has to reincarnate perpetually because of his sympathy for the suffering world, if he cannot get freedom from this suffering cycle of rebirth, what is the use of the Quest and its labours? Reply: True, he can't get outer freedom, but he does get inner freedom, of mind and heart. 3 Dec 2018If the reader finds such a task too fatiguing he should remember that the reward is nothing less than enlightenment. 4 Dec 2018As meditation is practised, further indrawing takes place and the apparatus for thinking is repudiated in turn. ”I am not this mind.” The process continues further; as the self ever draws inward he casts off, one by one, all that he once held to be himself. 5 Dec 2018Wherever one is, whatever the place, or whoever the persons, one should think oneself to be in the divine presence. 6 Dec 2018Ideas which belong to an age that is passing away are themselves doomed to pass away. They become barren and ineffective. We must try to unlearn them. Even certain mental attitudes which suited past epochs have now become retrograde. Emotional reactions which were correct in primitive peoples have now become impediments. 7 Dec 2018The call for prayer which, in most religions, is timed for once or twice a day and, in the Islamic religion, for five times a day, has at least two objectives in the mind of those sages who originally framed it. The first is to act as a reminder of what one is--a soul--and where one is going--ultimately to God. The second is to rescue us from the narrowing materializing routine of work or business. 8 Dec 2018If he finds that the Overself is using him at any particular time as the personal instrument for its guidance, blessing, or healing, he must take care to be detached and keep ego out of the relationship. 9 Dec 2018I have embodied in these pages the matured wisdom and dearly bought experience of many many lifetimes. 10 Dec 2018If he complains that the glimpse does not last, he should understand that it cannot last. Unless the mind and the heart are previously put into a properly prepared state to receive it, they will soon reject it. The process of rejection, however, is an unconscious one, for the active agents in it are the restlessness of his thoughts, the negativity of his emotions, the identification with the body, the strength of his desires and, in fact, all those things which constitute his ego. The forces which keep him apart from the higher state are within his personal self and not within that state. If he is unable to retain it, it is because he needs further purification and preparation, and its departure is really a signal indicating this need. 11 Dec 2018The Overself is always there; it has never left us, but it has to be ardently, lovingly, and subtly searched for. 12 Dec 2018He will certainly be unpretentious and may even be unimpressive, but that will be only to the external eye. To those who can see with the mind, the heart, and the intuition, he will be a rare messenger of divinity. 13 Dec 2018If industrial civilization has enriched our outer life it has also impoverished the inner life. It need not have done so if we had brought about a proper equilibrium between the two and if we had done so under the light of the guiding principle of what we are here on earth for. 14 Dec 2018Remove the concept of the ego from a man and you remove the solid ground from beneath his feet. A yawning abyss seems to open up under him. It gives the greatest fright of his life, accompanied by feelings of utter isolation and dreadful insecurity. He will then clamour urgently for the return of his beloved ego and return to safety once more--unless his determination to attain truth is so strong and so exigent that he can endure the ordeal, survive the test, and hold on until the Overself's light irradiates the abyss. 15 Dec 2018The philosopher's work with others shines best in a literary function. There he gives light and healing, calm and hope to the many on their way who could never hope, owing to the lapse of time after his death or the distance in space before it, to encounter him in a consultative function. 16 Dec 2018The more possessions the more time we have to give to them, and therefore the more energy. There is then proportionately less of both available for higher studies, meditation practice, and metaphysical reflection. 17 Dec 2018When the divine has become the sole object of his love and the constant subject of his meditation, the descent of a gracious illumination cannot be far off. 18 Dec 2018Not only is everything subject to change but everything also exists in relation to something else. Thus change and relativity dominate the world scene. 19 Dec 2018How can one forget the first day when one sat in deep contemplation, feeling a mesmeric influence coming over him and drawing him deeper and deeper within, while the sensation of light surrounded him? Deeper and deeper one went until one forgot almost who one was and where one was. How reluctant was the slow return after having played truant to this world and to the ego! 20 Dec 2018To renounce the world is merely to exchange one kind of residence and one form of activity for another. We live in the consciousness, experience all happenings in it, and cannot renounce it whatever form or appearance it takes…, ExcerptListen 21 Dec 2018There is no need for anyone to seek to know what his previous incarnations were. If the memories should come, they represent something abnormal. Nature does not desire that we should be hampered in the present by the memory of the past, when the past itself stretches away for such a long time. You need not trouble yourself therefore about previous incarnations, but concentrate fully on your present one so as to make it as worthy as you can. 22 Dec 2018Philosophy does all that religion does for a man, but it does more. It not only restores or reinforces faith in a higher Power, gives each life a higher meaning, brings consolation and support during trouble, and ennobles one's treatment of other people, but also explains the deeper mysteries of the nature of God, the universe, and man. 23 Dec 2018Today the seeker finds offered to him the culture of the whole world. The wisdom of many civilizations has been bequeathed to him from the past, from long-gone eras as also those more recent in time or distant in space. How fortunate is his position in these ways! 24 Dec 2018… An unillumined person cannot perceive that God is the very Provider of all. He believes that by obtaining money, position, or power he will find security and happiness. The illumined person knows that they are found only in God., ExcerptListen 25 Dec 2018… The philosophy of truth, which is the highest kind of enlightenment possible to mankind, will become as easily accessible as it was remotely hidden in former centuries…, ExcerptListen 26 Dec 2018All speculation upon the motives and the methods of the illuminate will avail little. The light by which he works is denied to ordinary men... We should trust where we cannot see and wait patiently for the day of revealment, when we will find all made clear and all riddles solved to our satisfaction…, ExcerptListen 27 Dec 2018Once he has attained this inner realization, the student should cling persistently to it, for the world's multifarious forces will come to hear of it and seek to drag him away. 28 Dec 2018The distinction between his lower self and his higher self will slowly become clear to him through inner experience and reflection thereon. 29 Dec 2018Anxieties subside and worries fall away when this surrender to the Overself grows and develops in his heart. And such a care-free attitude is not unjustified. For the measure of this surrender is also the measure of active interference in his affairs by the Divine Power. 30 Dec 2018The philosophic movement is a loose and free one. Its strength cannot be measured by numbers or institutions, for externality and rigidity are out of harmony with its teaching and character. Yet, unorganized and unadvertised though it be, it is not less vital and not less significant than more visible movements. 31 Dec 2018
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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