Day by day
Even irreproachable conduct and impeccable manners belong to the ego and not to the enlightenment. 1 Dec 2020It is enough. He has sown the seed. He does not have to wait for roots to form, stems to grow, fruits to appear. His work is done. 2 Dec 2020In one sense, we have never left the divine Source, never lost our divine identity. 3 Dec 2020… those humans who are nearer on the scale of evolution to the animal kingdom give way to passion and anger more readily because they have less self-control., ExcerptListen 4 Dec 2020… just as food can never displace drink for the sustenance of a healthy body, so meditation can never displace prayer for the sustenance of a healthy spiritual life, any more than study can displace meditation. Worship and prayer are essential philosophic duties., ExcerptListen 5 Dec 2020Beneath your everyday self lies a giant--an unsuspected self of infinite possibilities. 6 Dec 2020Man is forced in the end by life itself to undertake disciplines he resents or resists. The neophyte in philosophy, for the sake of his own personal development, anticipates them, accepts them, and co-operates with them. 7 Dec 2020From a long-range point of view, is anyone really lost? It is sometimes consoling to remember that we have Eternity before us, and we can only do what we are capable of at a given time. 8 Dec 2020When Nature's beauty or man's art moves you deeply, be grateful for their help and appreciate their service. But do not stop there. Use them as aids to transcend your present level and come closer to the god within you. 9 Dec 2020You are part of the World-Mind's World-Idea. Therefore, you are a part of its purpose too. Seek to be shown what that is, and how you may realize it, rather than mope in misery, frustration, or fear. Look upon your situation--personal, domestic, career, mental, emotional, spiritual--as having significance within that purpose, as teaching you some specific lesson or telling you what to do or not to do. 10 Dec 2020What a guide may be able to do in certain cases is to facilitate the awakening of higher consciousness and to make easier the entry of higher truths. 11 Dec 2020I lament the cutting of flowers and the caging of animals: the one because it condemns living things to swift decay and early death, the other because it condemns living creatures to the utter hopelessness of lifelong imprisonment. 12 Dec 2020Man's imperfect nature must be rendered utterly passive, its distorting interference utterly eliminated, before the divine truth can manifest itself in all its authoritative purity. 13 Dec 2020Whatever helps to refine character, feeling, mind, and taste is to be welcomed and cultivated as part of the philosophic work. 14 Dec 2020For those who properly understand it and faithfully practise it, philosophy stands amid the uncertainties and threats of our time as a secure citadel. In it one finds assurance for heart and mind, and will find safe guidance for one's body. 15 Dec 2020The Master who leaves a record of his own climb, or a testimony to the goal's existence, or a path pioneered for those who would follow, or an instructed disciple here and there, leaves something of himself. 16 Dec 2020Without the Overself no human creature could be what it is--conscious, living, and intelligent. 17 Dec 2020The body is our physical home. Through its five senses we may suffer pain and misery or enjoy satisfaction and pleasure. Therefore it should be well treated and well cared for, kept healthy as far as we can. This is not only a personal need but also a spiritual duty for its condition may obstruct or assist the inner work. 18 Dec 2020There is a sense of perfect safety, a sense which particularly and strongly reveals itself at times of danger, crisis, or distress. 19 Dec 2020… it is worth incidental noting that there have been many cases where, after undergoing the purificatory regime solely for spiritual reasons, people have been pleasantly surprised to find that it also freed them from bodily ailments., ExcerptListen 20 Dec 2020No one finds that the pattern of his experience of life conforms to what he wished for in the past or wishes for now, so everyone in the end must learn acceptance. 21 Dec 2020What is the universe but a gigantic symbol of God? Its infinite variety hints at the infinite endlessness of the Absolute itself. 22 Dec 2020In the ultimate phase of meditation, he has mastered the art, finished his work, and relaxed completely. He is quite inactive, quite still in both body and mind, doing nothing. For now he is at his best level of consciousness--the holiest, calmest, widest one. 23 Dec 2020Even if he does no more than open the human mind to its higher possibilities, he does enough. 24 Dec 2020Few know where really to look for the truth. Most go for it to other men, to books, or to churches. But the few who know the proper direction turn around and look in that place where the truth is not only a living dynamic thing but is their own. And that is deep, deep within themselves. 25 Dec 2020The Bible's first commandment is Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. What is the meaning of a god here? It means something which is the object of worship. That thing can be money, fame, or sex: it is not at all necessarily an idol, a force, or a being. 26 Dec 2020… he will begin to rely less on his own ego, which is his real enemy and hindrance to his true welfare., ExcerptListen 27 Dec 2020Brahms explained his method of finding inspiration as beginning with a pondering on lofty universal spiritual truths which led him into a deeper dreamlike semi-trance condition. After this prelude he felt inspired with the ideas for his work. 28 Dec 2020Sorrow for a wrong course of life, the resolve to abandon it, and the readiness to make definite amendments are prerequisites to secure Grace. 29 Dec 2020It is more important to face the future equipped with right principles and strong character than with predictions concerning its details. If we establish good attitudes toward it, we cannot get bad results. 30 Dec 2020… we are on the threshold of an era of unheard-of plenty, leisure, and culture, not for a few, as in the past, but for all …, ExcerptListen 31 Dec 2020
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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