
From this seeming nothingness deep within he draws a peace of mind, an emotional freedom, a sense of God’s living presence that the world's harshness cannot dislodge. 9 2022… It is true that grace is given, but we ourselves help to make its blessing possible by the opening of self to receive it, the silencing of self to feel it, and the purifying of self to be fit for it …, 巻2 9 2022The first reward is truth realized in every part of his being, the lower self becoming the instrument of the Soul. The second reward is peace, intensely satisfying and joyous. A keen and constant longing after the Soul’s consciousness, a willingness to surrender all to it inwardly, are however necessary prerequisites. 9 2022If he is too easily vexed by other people’s criticism, this is because the ego is still upholding his pride and vanity. 9 2022This turning of a problem or a situation over to God may be real humility but it may also be a cowardly evasion of an unpleasant decision or difficult act. 9 2022All pruning of the ego is of little use, for as one fault is removed a new one springs out of latency. Why? Because the ego is. The Short Path is the only genuine approach to truth, the only one offering real possibility of liberation …, 巻6 9 2022… First devote your energies to the foundational work of learning philosophy, improving character, disciplining emotion, and cultivating calmness …, 巻7 9 2022Balance is needed in all ways on this quest. The student must not overvalue his emotional experiences, nor overconcentrate upon his metaphysical studies. He must strive for poise in all things and at all times …, 巻8 9 2022The feeling of compassion and the doing of service help to cleanse the human mentality of its innate egoism and to release the human heart from its inborn selfishness. Thus they are useful to the aspirant who is treading the path of purification. 9 2022Just as a novel creates a diversion for the reader and changes his world for a time, so a successful period of meditation transfers consciousness to another zone. 9 2022Prayer is one of the oldest of human acts and one of the first of human needs. 9 2022Too many people are praying to be delivered from the consequences of their errors or weaknesses, too few are trying to set themselves free from the faults themselves. If the prayers of the larger group are answered, the weaknesses still remain and the same consequences are bound to recur again. If the efforts of the smaller group are successful, they will be delivered forever. 9 2022It is largely their own doing which makes men suffer their own karma. But this is no reason why we should stand aside and leave them to their destiny. 9 2022It is the will of a higher power that he, whose own inner eye is open, shall be instrumental in opening that eye for others wherein it is closed. 9 2022Fo Sho hing tsan: “I do not seek for any reward, not even being reborn in a paradise. I seek the welfare of man. I seek to enlighten those who harbour wrong thoughts.” 9 2022If there is any single secret of development which the successful mystic can offer us, it is that the ego must go out of us and we must go out of it! 9 2022The practice of calmness frees a man from the fretful, nervous tension so many carry around with them; he brings a pleasant air of repose with him. 9 2022If the ego cannot keep him any longer through his animal instincts, it will masquerade as his higher self, flatter him for his lofty aspirations, insert itself into his intuitions, and seek to deceive him as he bends in prayer or sits in meditation. 9 2022This Overself is everywhere one and the same for all men. The experience of rising into awareness of it does not differ in actuality from one man to another, but the purity with which he absorbs it, interprets it, understands it, does …, 巻19 9 2022… Philo, himself a Jew, explicitly states that the Essenes got their knowledge from Indian Brahmins. Everyone knows that rebirth was an essential feature of the Brahmins’ faith, so it is fair to assume that it was taken up by the Essenes, too., 巻20 9 2022The universe has never had a beginning, and cannot have an end, but its forms and states may change and therefore must have a beginning and end. 9 2022If we make a comparison between our times and the conditions which preceded the destruction of the Greek and Roman civilizations, and if we note the chaos, dissension, strife, and violence which then prevailed and now prevail, we shall be forced to regard the future of our own civilization with apprehension. 9 2022He has to keep this inner stability and peace through times of public disaster or private distress. Long Path practices will help him attain it, but only intermittently. It is the Short Path which alone can establish it durably. 9 2022When he has exhausted every means of finding a right and reasonable solution to his problem, it is time to hand it over to the higher self …, 巻24 9 2022What he sees in that sudden flash is to be slowly worked out in his character and conduct during the hours and months of subsequent years. Indeed, every minute offers the chance to transform himself by the smallest of degrees. 9 2022… the deepest spiritual experience goes beneath thought and emotion and especially beneath the personal ego. Only then does one come in contact with the Infinite life-power which is behind everything and which is the true goal of this Quest., 巻26 9 2022When too long a time is spent on the Long Path with too slow a progress, the urge arises to find another way. It is then that the Short Path becomes appropriate. 9 2022His meditations tend to make him sensitive and his studies sympathetic; the two qualities combine well so that others notice how kindly he is in personal relations. 9 2022Since the person a man is most interested in is himself, why not get to know himself as he really is, not merely as he appears to be? 9 2022This is his further task, to infuse the beauty and tranquillity, the unworldliness and immaterialism of the glimpse into his ordinary everyday life. 9 2022
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen · info@paulbruntondailynote.se