Seize the odd moments for Remembrance practice, escaping from the web of self-thoughts into the Void of Being. 8 2022There is an area of peace hidden within every man. Its presence is the gracious gift of God but his task is to discover it. 8 2022It is not only a spiritual crisis for mankind but also a spiritual opportunity. 8 2022It happens on a plane above men’s heads; most of them don’t know of it explicitly at the moment. Yet they are truly rendering service through being used as channels. 8 2022… it is not a new age that is here, not even its beginning, but only the dawn before the beginning of its beginning., 巻5 8 2022… The ultimate purpose of life here on earth is a spiritual one, and this must be remembered., 巻6 8 2022The personal man needs to grow and develop adequately as man. Only after this does he reach the stage when it is safe, and not premature, to undo the ego, and destroy its rule. For after this point the latter becomes a tyranny when the task now is to make it a subserviency. 8 2022During meditation the basic aim is to free the mind from worldly concerns and personal desires, to present an empty, clean receptacle for the divine inpouring, if and when it is attracted by his preparedness for it. 8 2022Make it a definite rule in every single instance to check your intuitions by the light of reason. 8 2022The moment he awakens in the morning he should turn his attention for a few minutes to the thought of the Quest. It this is done faithfully every day, it becomes a useful exercise with excellent results in the subsequent hours. 8 2022The process acts with the sureness of a chemical combination; if you quiet the ego, the Overself becomes responsively active. 8 2022The stages in philosophic training usually begin with gaining a theoretical knowledge of the teachings. When this is well established, it grows in time into an aspiration for self-improvement and into an effort to mold character and conduct in conformity with the philosophic ideal. Such a maturation period is often a long and difficult one. In the third stage the “glimpse” of enlightenment begins to be experienced. The first glimpse has a far-reaching effect and is likely to be associated with the first contact with an inspired spiritual guide, or with the writings of such a man. In the case of some persons there is a different series of steps. The glimpse comes first, the theoretical study next, striving to express through living comes last. 8 2022Saint John of the Cross, held unjustly as a prisoner, found his cell filled with light as he dreamed one night that the Virgin appeared to him promising help if he escaped. Martinus, the Danish mystic, told me that Jesus appeared to him in meditation surrounded by a ball of light. 8 2022It is far better than being ignorant to know what is read in books or heard at lectures on this topic, but far better than both of these is to feel vividly the Overself’s presence and reality, to know the truth of It with complete certainty. 8 2022The time will come when it will be found that glimpses are a proper part of human existence, are within the area of a normal life, are valid topics for study and examination by science. 8 2022At a time like the present when the world is passing though a critical phase of wholesale reconstruction, every opponent of reason and proponent of superstition is rendering a serious disservice to mankind. 8 2022He will find, with time, that this increasing detachment from his own person will reflect itself back in an increasing detachment from other persons. Consequently, irritation with their faults, quarrels with their views, and interference with their lives will show themselves less and less …, 巻17 8 2022If an enemy, a critic, or an opponent accuses him of committing a sin or having a fault, he need not get disquieted over the event nor lose his inner calm nor feel angry and resentful nor retaliate with counter-accusations. Instead he should give it his attention, coolly, to ascertain if there is any foundation for it. In this way he disidentifies himself from the ego. 8 2022The emotional agitations will certainly come to an end when he finds his real inner peace, for he cannot have the two together. To have the peace he has to give up the agitations. 8 2022Grace is the indrawing power, or inward pull, of Overself, which, being itself ever-present, guarantees the ever-presence of Grace. 8 2022Men of rank, fortune, influence, or power may become complacent, satisfied with what they are or have or where they are. But this is a condition which cannot last. Why? Because the higher purpose of life, embodied in the World-Idea, is also present and will make appropriate change or exert appropriate pressure at the destined time. 8 2022The same power which can illuminate the seeking mind can also heal the suffering body. 8 2022To deny spiritual worth to art because it is created to meet physical sense is shortsighted. It starts with the physical response but, in its highest form, it transcends that level. Beethoven set as his loftiest mission the exaltation of man to a harmony with sacred ideals, to joy in the triumph of good over evil, to peace and goodwill on earth. Bach comes near him in certain works which are more specifically concerned with religious themes, whereas Beethoven was more favourable to humanitarian ones. 8 2022Let the personal will relax in this gentle peace. 8 2022The interest in philosophy develops out of different motives. The need of finding inner peace is one man’s motive; the wish to understand life is another’s. 8 2022Whoever has been freed from the demands of his earthly self, and from the desires of his ignorant self, does not need to return here after passing into the disembodied state. 8 2022… Realization cannot be achieved on the Long Path. It cannot. It is a gift, and that means grace, the Short Path. But you must work for it. There has to be the Long Path and the Short Path, but you must not make the mistake of thinking you must mechanically stick to the Long Path. You may start with both, work the two together, and it becomes a sort of balance …, 巻27 8 2022The passage from quest to conquest would be impossible for most humans if they had only one life to live, one body for the start and the finish. 8 2022Up to a certain level, this gleaning of knowledge from diverse and various sources enriches man but beyond that level it confuses and thus weakens him. 8 2022… He may not desert the broad work of human enlightenment which devolves upon him. That work has to be done and neither the malice of satanic human instruments nor the misunderstanding of the superficial and ignorant should deter him from carrying it out …, 巻30 8 2022The joyous awareness evoked for a short period is a foretaste of what will one day be manifested continuously. 8 2022
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
This site is run by Paul Brunton-stiftelsen · info@paulbruntondailynote.se