The Library
Constant reflection on metaphysical and ethical themes reaches a point where one day its accumulated weight pushes him around the corner into a mystical realization of those themes no less surely than meditation might have done. are two kinds of knowledge: the ordinary kind which supplies information about a particular thing object or person and the higher kind which leads to wisdom. A man may correctly understand the handling of an electrical appliance and yet be a fool in the handling of his own life. The metaphysics of truth has no recognized place in the academic world, as academic teaching is really based more or less on materialism. Those who make philosophical writings their constant study are using life profitably. If a man will constantly think about these metaphysical truths, he will develop in time the capacity to perceive them by direct intuition instead of by second-remove reflection. But to do this kind of thinking properly the mind must be made steady, poised, concentrated, and easily detached from the world. Metaphysical study lifts a man into the clear keen air above personal considerations. The contemplation of universal laws and metaphysical truth chastens the feelings and elevates the thoughts. This study causes man to forget himself, to turn aside from his little ego, and thus helps to clear a path to discovery of his Overself.
21 Apr 2011
17 Apr 2016
27 Apr 2020
21 Jan 2020
30 Oct 2011
22 Jan 2021
18 Mar 2021
The notebooks are copyright © 1984-1989 The Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation
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