The Library
The original creative mind initiates its own ideas, but where do they come from? You might as well ask where does all inspiration come from. There are deeper levels of the human consciousness which feed the inspired person at times. It is beyond emotion and beyond thinking, although we express its promptings through these things. The creative faculty should be cultivated and developed as both a great aid to, and an expression of, spiritual growth. He creates, not to express his small personality as so many others do, but to escape from it. For it is to the divine which transcends him, which is loftily impersonal, that he looks for inspiration. If the artist becomes truly inspired he will not seek to bring horror to men but rather beauty. This will be so whatever way it shows itself—colour, sound, word, or form. The final step is not with beauty for its own sake but for what it points and leads to—the beautiful Consciousness which awaits man, the inner beauty.
14 Feb 2013
17 Aug 2013
7 Jun 2020
4 Mar 2022
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