Day by day

Grace is not necessarily bestowed deliberately or conferred personally. It may be received from someone who does not even know that he is its source. It may manifest through nothing more than the physical meeting between these two, or through a letter from one to the other, or even through the mere thinking about one of them by the other person. But, however obtained, Grace has its ultimate source in the mysterious Overself ..., ExcerptListen 1 Feb 2025The opportunity is unrepeatable and unreceivable in exactly the same way, for the passage of time—be it a moment or a century—has forced change on both the situation and the person. 2 Feb 2025The Overself is certainly the Way (within man), the Truth (knowing the Real Being), and the Life (applying this knowledge and practising this way in the midst of ordinary everyday activity). 3 Feb 2025… the failure to do a right deed in a certain situation may be a karmic sin, although very much less so than doing a wrong deed., ExcerptListen 4 Feb 2025The omnipresence of the Infinite Mind carries great meaning for us individually. For it signifies that this Mind is not less present and not less active in us too. 5 Feb 2025The quality of a meditative session is not to be measured by its timed length but by its effective contact with Reality. 6 Feb 2025Music like any of the intellectual arts may help or hinder this Quest. When it is extremely sensual or disruptive or noisy, it is a hindrance and perhaps even a danger. When it is uplifting or inspiring or spiritually soothing, it is a help. 7 Feb 2025The ultimate goal is for us to live from the Overself not from the ego. 8 Feb 2025From this hidden source comes at times guidance, warnings, attractions, or aversions which ought to be construed as intuitive messages. But for this they must first be recognized and believed: they pass too quickly. 9 Feb 2025If I love the ego, then I fear other men or the opinion of other men. I will so act as to please them rather than the higher will. 10 Feb 2025All of us have to travel in the same broad direction if we would rise from the lower to the higher grades of being. But the way in which we shall travel the Way is essentially a personal one. All of us must obey its general rules, but no two seekers can apply them precisely alike. 11 Feb 2025It is a means of severing attention from its ever-changing objects, and then enabling the freed mental force to study its own source. 12 Feb 2025What he finds so deeply within himself is neither a thought nor an emotion. It is a fused knowing-feeling. 13 Feb 2025Whenever the aspirant volunteers spiritual help to another, or seeks it for himself, he ought not to take money in return on the one hand, nor give it in payment on the other. Such needs will be attended to by the Infinite Intelligence at the proper time. 14 Feb 2025The body stilled as if by an outside force, its limbs unwilling to move and its breathing diminished to gentleness—this is the best condition for the higher Consciousness. 15 Feb 2025Rebirths, memories, occult powers—all these things exist and continue because they perpetuate the ego—the very thing we should try to escape from! 16 Feb 2025Man’s dependence on the earth for fuel such as wood, coal, oil, and gas, will give way in the future to dependence on the sun. Its rays will give him all that he needs for this purpose. 17 Feb 2025… The Good, the True, and the Beautiful will refine … our human qualities., ExcerptListen 18 Feb 2025Deep down in the mind and feeling of man is the mysterious godlike Essence seemingly too deep—alas!—for the ordinary man, who therefore lets himself be content with hearing from others about it and thus only at second hand. 19 Feb 2025Who can tell the miraculous power of the Overself? Its Grace may lift the most degraded of men into the most exalted. 20 Feb 2025If we could examine the prehistoric period of man, and not merely his latest century, we would find that the duration of his life has since been shortened, while the condition of his body has deteriorated through new diseases. The cause in both cases lies in his changed feeding habits to some extent, and in his unrestricted sexual habits to a much larger extent. 21 Feb 2025A high degree of refinement in morals, manners, and mind shows not merely human quality but also spiritual sensitivity. 22 Feb 2025If the existence of grace is granted, the question of its means of transmission arises. Since it is a radiation issuing from the Overself, it can be directly bestowed. But if there are internal blockages, as in most cases there are, and insufficient force on the man’s part to break through them, then it cannot be directly received. Some thing or person outside him will have then to be used as a means of indirect transmission. 23 Feb 2025The Buddha taught his monks to enter daily into the following meditation: “As a mother even at the risk of her own life protects her only son, so let a man cultivate goodwill without measure among all beings. Let him suffuse the whole world with thoughts of love, unmixed with any sense of difference or opposed interests.” 24 Feb 2025… We realize that self-effort is absolutely necessary to our salvation, but we discover later that it is not enough for our salvation. We have to be humbled to the ground in humility and helplessness before Grace will appear and itself finish the work which we have started., ExcerptListen 25 Feb 2025The Overself is not anyone’s private property. 26 Feb 2025But although the Absolute in its passive state is unknowable, the Overself as representative of its active aspect, of the World-Mind, is knowable. 27 Feb 2025The waves of life have moved across other planets before arriving on this earth and, when this has outserved its usefulness, will move on again. 28 Feb 2025
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